The Most Advanced Koi and Ornamental Fish Foods

Made in the USA


Made in the USA

To clear up any confusion…. 

Our company is Sho Koi, Inc. We produce the product “Sho Koi, Impact” koi food. Sho Koi, Impact fish food contains a special ingredient known as OPTIMÛN which is the most effective immune booster in the marketplace. 

Sho Koi, Impact Koi Food is available in multiple sizes. 

Learn About the Highest Quality and Most Advanced Immune Stimulating Koi food.  Sho Koi, Impact is reasonably priced and dated for freshness.


What is OPTIMÛN?

OPTIMÛN is a biogenetic performance enhancer. A proprietary ingredient that contains purified nucleotides and has been used in the Sho Koi Impact formula since its introduction to the koi food marketplace, in 1996. During the early 1990’s, a European biotech company discovered and perfected a means to obtain nucleotides from a common natural nutrient. Over the past 30 years, this new technology has received much attention, and is used extensively in both agricultural animals and commercial fin fish industries worldwide. Throughout this time thousands of articles, over 1300 articles from the Journal of Nutrition, alone, have been written regarding the benefits of a nucleotide-rich diet. It was in 1996 that the founder of the Sho Koi Brand introduced this highly effective “optimum immunization” nutrient (OPTIMÛN ) to the premium koi food marketplace and named the product “Impact”.

optimum + immunization = OPTIMÛN

Important Facts:

At the risk of having this feel like we are taking you back to high school biology it is very important to understand that nucleotides play a central role in the cell process of our koi (cell reproduction). The process by which cells reproduce is imperative to all living organisms and fundamental to their biological functions. For a single cell to reproduce, it is necessary for its DNA to be duplicated. Amazingly, every strand of DNA contains approximately six billion nucleotides!!  Just as amino acids are the building blocks of protein, nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA. When we consider that koi fish must produce millions of new cells, every second, just to maintain the “status quo”, it is easy to understand that during times of stress, reproduction, environmental change or challenge, combating disease and recovery from an injury, trillions of additional nucleotides must be readily available for cell reproduction.


The tissues that are responsible for enhancing the koi’s immunity (kidneys and white blood cells) are not able to manufacture nucleotide molecules… they need to be imported from the liver. Importing nucleotide molecules from the liver consumes a lot of energy and takes a lot of time. Unfortunately, under the many threat’s koi fish typically face, time is of the essence!

OPTIMÛN  Solution:

Good news - As mentioned above, nucleotide molecules can now be synthesized (produced in a lab). They can simply be added to the diets of our koi fish and taken up in the food they eat. Well, we’ve done just that with SHO KOI, IMPACT! Our koi food contains the right amount of nucleotide molecules, that we call OPTIMÛN , that provide the maximum benefit to koi fish. OPTIMÛN dramatically enhances and fortifies their immune system by simply allowing the immune system to address all threats immediately. It also helps the fish to maintain a more effective digestive tract during feeding resulting in better food conversion (a more effective uptake of nutrients during food digestion). Better food conversion results in:

1) Better growth,

2) Increased energy,

3) Less fecal waste - reducing the amount of ammonia and nitrates in the water, and

4) An extra layer of protection against waterborne pathogens and disease.



Take a Look and Learn About The Highest Quality and Most Advanced Koi fish food.



Made in the USA

Made in the USA with care and pride.



About us

You have our assurance that SHO KOI "IMPACT" is of the highest quality food available anywhere, and will always be FRESH & REASONABLY PRICED

You have our assurance that SHO KOI "IMPACT" is of the highest quality food available anywhere, and will always be FRESH & REASONABLY PRICED

Superior Floating pellets


Impact Improves Immunity, Reduces Mortality, Better nutrient absorption

✓ Nutritional Balance ✓ Excellent Health
✓ Optimum Growth ✓ Proportional Shape
✓ Water Clarity ✓ Disease Resistance
✓ Bright Color ✓ Superior Flotation
✓ Valuable Freshness ✓ Complete Digestibility
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